Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2021, 9 (28): 80-87
DOI: 10.37100/2616-7689.2021.9(28).11
UDС: 338.432 + 658.1
Svitlana Strapchuk
PhD in Economics,
V. V. Docuchaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University, Kharkiv;

Abstract: The article deals the analysis of production and consumption of bioenergy resources in agriculture. It is established that the assessment of resource potential is carried out with regard to the following energy trilemma: decarbonization, energy security and affordability, which significantly increases the interest in alternative fuels derived from renewable sources. In order to achieve sustainable development in the context of providing businesses with affordable and clean energy, national indicators relevant to the agricultural sector have been developed. Biomass production utilizes both land and human resourse to a greater extent than any other renewable energy technology, and can create sustainable supply chains. It has been proven that the use of biomass improves the supply and access to energy at the local and national levels, but also reduces waste disposal, provides an alternative use of biomass or fossil resources. It is noted that the main products of biomass processing are solid and liquid biofuels, biogas. Ukraine's energy strategy 2035 suggests an increase in the use of biomass in energy generation up to 11,5 %, and the main stimulus for growth is the use of green tariff. Biomass production requires the largest amount of land resources compared to other alternative sources. It limits the use of sown areas for food crops in favor of bioenergy crops. In particular, the raw materials for the production of bioethanol in Ukraine are sugar, starch crops and cellulose materials, which are converted into the final product by alcohol and sugar factories. Biodiesel production is not widespread enough, and more than 95 % of the gross harvest of rapeseed and soybeans used for its production in 2019 was exported. In the structure of solid biofuels, agricultural waste, in particular straw, stalks and husks, has the greatest potential for the use. Thus, biomass is an alternative energy resource that creates significant prospects for sustainable agriculture, but wholesale energy tariffs need to be revised to take into account external factors that consider insurance risks and increased environmental taxation, which is low in Ukraine.
Key words: sustainable development, agriculture, biomass, bioenergy resources, bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2021
Date of online version: 2021